Tuesday, June 23, 2009

For the voices(and sound effects) in this ridiculous commercial, they were all me... Including the 'ching'.... The effects you here are Me screaming into the microphone(which took me seriously 15 takes to get a good one), the stomp, 'ching', 'It's so easy look'(yes I did the girls voice too.) What is supposed to be the kid blasting off... Is actually the RPG from the ipod Gun app., and that click click a few seconds latter, that was the RPG reloading because I didn't hit the stop button fast enough(and it was the only good clip i had of that) Then comes the 'wahoo' and the brushing sound(which was me breathing in and out into the microphone. Followed by 'now it's easier' and 'thats something you can count on'... and finally the ending colgate line.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chords project

For the starting sounds I used the Fm Flute from the Sytrus. The FPC kick, RD snare and RD shaker. Then I added the electric guitar from the Sytrus on top.

For the FM Flute I started off with a low g, b and c for my 1 4 5 base. then I added then 4th and 6th above it, to each note to give it a rich tone.