Tuesday, June 23, 2009

For the voices(and sound effects) in this ridiculous commercial, they were all me... Including the 'ching'.... The effects you here are Me screaming into the microphone(which took me seriously 15 takes to get a good one), the stomp, 'ching', 'It's so easy look'(yes I did the girls voice too.) What is supposed to be the kid blasting off... Is actually the RPG from the ipod Gun app., and that click click a few seconds latter, that was the RPG reloading because I didn't hit the stop button fast enough(and it was the only good clip i had of that) Then comes the 'wahoo' and the brushing sound(which was me breathing in and out into the microphone. Followed by 'now it's easier' and 'thats something you can count on'... and finally the ending colgate line.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chords project

For the starting sounds I used the Fm Flute from the Sytrus. The FPC kick, RD snare and RD shaker. Then I added the electric guitar from the Sytrus on top.

For the FM Flute I started off with a low g, b and c for my 1 4 5 base. then I added then 4th and 6th above it, to each note to give it a rich tone.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sytrus project

For the first part of my synth I used a saw wave on operators 4 and 5(I messed up on 1, 2 and 3) On Operator 4, I turned the nob where the fours intersect to 100, then the output to 40. I enabled the declick and the band limit, turned the octave number to 1, and enabled the volume envelope that was there. I also enabled the pitch envelope and brought the origin down all the way. I did this to Operator 5 also.

Next I went to the filter 1 tab and turned 3-6, fx and the output all the way up. I selected the lime low pass filter, turned the cutoff envelope to 100, and the resonance to 0. Then put the cutoff frequency to 35. Lastly I enabled the x3, filter mode.

On filter 2, I turned 3 and the output to 100. Set the filter type to vanilla band pass, the cutoff envelope to 100, the cutoff frequency to 52, and the resonance to 0. Lastly I enabled the x1, filter mode.

Then switched to the fx tab and put the chorus at 5 and turned the chorus depth to 100. I switched on the reverb and set the letter(color) to W(warm). I turned the room size to 1, reverb diffusion to 32.

So the second synth I set 1 to 65 and the output to 100. On filter 1, I set 1 and 2 to 100, 3 to 45, and the fx and output to 100. I used a sine wave as my wave form.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Automation project

I used modulation on the X envelope, the Y envelope, The master volume and the master pitch. For the master volume and master pitch, they go out at the same rate but the master pitch goes up and the master volume goes down. 16 seconds before the song ends, the master pitch and master volume start to modulate.
For the modulation of the X envelope and the Y envelope at the beginning, they go up at the same rate for 16 seconds. From all the way down to all the way up. Then they go up and down at about the same rate, but the Y envelope is slightly below the X envelope. After that the X envelope goes all the way down then takes big stair steps up all the way, then a step down equal to the last step up. At the same time the Y envelope goes all the way down too, but takes a second longer to get there. Then It takes small stair steps up to the top. Then the Y envelope drops all the way down. The X and Y envelopes then change at the same rate untill the fade out. But the X envelope goes down from the top and the Y envelope goes up from the bottom.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fx project

I used the delay on the DNC_snare 2, the chorus on the boo bass, and the flanger on the Acoustic nylon from the channel sytrus. For the acoustic nylon, I chopped it to superstition with time mull straight up. Then the second I transposed it down 2 steps, then put the snare on 2 and 4, and the DNC_hat on 1 and 3. For the boo base I chopped it to trance octaves and kept the time mull straight up. Then I transposed that from a half down a whole step to the next half step.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Chop project

I am surprised on how well everything turned out when i layered it all together. The opening "ahhh" as it is is the 'breathysortabassthing' from the sim synth. The pattern is actual chopped three times of the same thing, which was sort of an accident. i wanted a more full sound from it, but i clicked the check instead of one of the nobs at the bottom and.... Poof! I had selected gospel trance 1 under the lead folder. The second 'ahhh' pattern was transposed down 3 steps.

The pattern under the original trance you hear is the boo bass, which was only chopped once. The base of the notes are played on 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3. Then with pattern 5, I transposed the bass down 4 steps. For pattern 4 you have same Sim Synth 'breathysortabassthing' chopped 2 times on kre13th. For the boom-chucks you hear, I used the Hip Kick 9 and the RD Hat. I used the kick on each beat and the RD Hat on the 'and' of 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

bass line

I used the boo bass for pattern 1, 3 and 4. and bass acoustic from the sim synth, for 2 and 5. I had a good idea for most of the project and on the last pattern I hit more of a melody instead of a bass line. I used 3 different drum loops from the fpc. I used the first drum loop for the first pattern, the second on 2 and 5, and the third on 3 and 4.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

project 1 drum loop

at first i started off with the preset kick drum then later changed to a heavier kick on 1,2,3,4. The fills i started the first two with up on the first fill then down on the second. got stuck with what to put for the third fill. But i later decided to use the same beat but up and down the this time(after much of the period trying to get the right snare fill). I started off the same with the preset hi-hat but then changed to two different hi-hats and a good stare sound.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


testing, testings, testingss